Medically Reviewed by Minesh Khatri, MD on November 27, 2022



The teachers’ favorite contains sorbitol, a sugar that's naturally in many fruits. Some people's bodies can’t absorb it properly, which gives them gas and bloating. It can cause diarrhea, especially for children.




Maybe you've enjoyed them fresh, in a juicy cobbler, or dried in teas. Their natural sugar is good for people who want to cut back on sweets, but it's not always good for the gut. If you have a problem digesting sorbitol, you may feel bloated, have belly pain, or have diarrhea, gas, or nausea.




This popular summertime treat is high in fructose, a sugar in fruit. Your body can have trouble digesting it, so you might get gas. It’s rare, but the problem might be in your genes. Doctors call that a "hereditary fructose intolerance." A blood test can tell if you have it.




These veggies have a sugar called fructan that helps set off gas. If you don’t feel well after you eat them, just stay away from them.




Spuds are usually a safe choice for a dinner side item. The starch gives some people gas and bloating, though.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake Mushrooms


These famous fungi can make you get a little funky. Blame it on mannitol, another natural sugar. It can give you gas -- and if you eat too much of it, it also can act like a mild laxative.




Love them or hate them, these soft, green veggies have a chain of sugars called galacto-oligosaccharides that feed gut bacteria and cause gas. This can make for a not-so-pleasant post-meal experience.




The caffeine in your favorite daily jolt might be making you bolt to the bathroom. Dial back on the java if you feel an urgent need to go or you get a stomachache after drinking up.




This breakfast superstar has plenty of fiber, which lets you feel full and satisfied all morning. But if you add too much to your diet too quickly, your tummy might get a little uncomfortable. To get more of this important nutrient, introduce it slowly to your eating plan so you don't overwhelm your system.

Cruciferous Veggies

Cruciferous Veggies


They're crunchy, delicious, and super healthy, but they can also be tough to digest. Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts might make you feel bloated or crampy. If they do, you may want to occasionally swap them for veggies that are less likely to give you gas, like bell peppers, zucchini, or green beans.

Dried Apricots

Dried Apricots


The fiber in dried fruit has a lot of things going for it. A handful can work like magic if you're constipated. These sweet treats, though, are also high in a sugar called fructose, which can give you a tummy ache if you eat too much.




It's a real treat to dig into one that's juicy and ripe, but the sweetness inside can sometimes cause problems with your stomach. Peaches have natural sugars called polyols, which may not always get along well with your gut bacteria. Sometimes, that leads to cramps and bloating.

Diet Drinks With Sugar Alcohol

Diet Drinks With Sugar Alcohol


This sweetener, which is found in some low-cal drinks, can be helpful if you're trying to lose weight. But sugar alcohols can act like a laxative if you take in too much. Check labels to know if a drink has this ingredient. Xylitol and mannitol are examples.

Chewing Gum

Chewing Gum


You swallow air as you chew, which brings gas into your gut. "Sugar-free" types of gum often have sorbitol and xylitol as sugar substitutes. Those give some people gas or even act like a laxative.

Hard Candy

Hard Candy


You swallow air when you suck these treats. Plus, some candies are sweetened with xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, or other sugars that make some people get an upset stomach.